
Not just buying and selling processing plants


We are very experienced in providing customers with one-stop service. Can we do more besides helping customers reduce the time for finding materials? We are looking to become a professional metal design factory providing customer design.

Zero environmental impact

Steel production requires a lot of carbon emissions, so the impact on the environment is far greater than that of ordinary enterprises. Although our company is a trading and processing plant, not a direct manufacturing plant. We have been thinking about how to improve the environment and make our home better. We hope to calculate the carbon emissions of each product before 2030, and further try to offset it to zero to achieve the goal of carbon neutralization. Then achieve zero environmental impact.

B-type enterprise

In the first 40 years, we stood firm and had enough time to think about the value of the enterprise. Where will we be in the next 40 years? We need to give ourselves and employees a dream, a goal and a stage. Therefore, B-type enterprise has become our imagination. We work hard from five aspects:corporate governance, employee care, friendly environment, community operation and customer influence. We hope to become the first steel company certified by B-type enterprise in Taiwan.